Sublime Text 4 Build 4180 (x64)
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.Sublime Text will offer you the possibility to manage a very wide ...

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Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.Sublime Text will offer you the possibility to manage a very wide range of file types, since it supports syntax highlighting for C, C++, C#, CSS, D, Haskell, Erlang, Java, HTML, javascript, HTML, Groovy, LaTeX and many more. Here are some key features of "Sublime Text": Beautiful User Interface: · Side by side multi-pane editing · Minimap: see your code from 10,000 feet · Full screen mode: use all your pixels, all the time · Nothing but text mode: the text, the whole text, and nothing but the text · Syntax highlighting for many languages with C, C++, C#, CSS, D, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML, Java, javascript, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Markdown, Matlab, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, TCL, Textile and XML supported out of the box, and more available for download · Multiple color schemes, with several included, and many more available for download · Bracket highlighting · Auto save: never lose your changes, not even if the dog thinks power cords are tasty Sublime Editing: · Rich selection of editing commands, including indenting / unindenting, paragraph reformatting, line joining and much more · Multiple selections: Simplify many tasks that used to require macros or regular expression · Column select · Regular expression search and replace · Incremental find as you type · Preserve case on replace · Bookmarks: Makes navigating through long files a breeze · Spell check as you type · Bracket matching · Commenting and uncommenting blocks of text · Asynchronous file loading, so you're never blocked when loading files off slow network drives Customization: · Fully customizable key bindings, menus and toolbar · Rich key binding language including sequenced key bindings, regular expression key matches, contextual bindings and parameterized bindings · Python plugins with a rich API Automation: · Macros · Snippets · Auto complete · Repeat last action · Build tool integration · Automatic build on save · WinSCP integration for editing remote files via SCP and FTP
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