TMS XData v5.18.0.1 Full Source for Delphi XE2-Delphi 12 Athens
Delphi framework for multi-tier REST/JSON HTTP/HTTPS application server development and ORM remoting.

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Delphi framework for multi-tier REST/JSON HTTP/HTTPS application server development and ORM remoting. Feature overview Server based on REST/JSON architecture style Easily accessible from different client platforms like .NET, Java, jаvascript, since it's REST/JSON based Uses standard POST, GET, PUT and DELETE HTTP methods for data request and data modification operations Partial update of objects (PATCH) Full-featured query mechanism Multi-Model design makes it easy to create multiple servers with different mapping, types and service operations Service Operations allow adding custom business logic to your server using interfaces and methods Well-defined JSON representation of resources including entities, associations, streams and proxies Support for streams (blobs) Several databases supported in back end: SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Firebird, etc.. (through TMS Aurelius) Design based on standard OData protocol Based on TMS Sparkle HTTP/HTPS server architecture, which provides: HTTP(s) server based on Windows http.sys stack Support for HTTP Secure (HTTPS) Kernel-mode caching and kernel-mode request queuing (less overhead in context switching) Multiple applications/process can share (respond) the same port (at different addresses) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support in kernel-mode Example of an Aurelius class mapped:
[Entity, Automapping]  
TCustomer = class  
strict private  
  FId: integer;  
  FName: string;  
  FTitle: string;  
  FBirthday: TDateTime;  
  FCountry: TCountry;  
  property Id: Integer read FId write FId;  
  property Name: string read FName write FName;  
  property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle;  
  property Birthday: TDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;  
  property Country: TCountry read FCountry write FCountry;  
XData enables access via a simple HTTP GET:
GET /tms/xdata/Customer(3) HTTP/1.1  
Host: server:2001  
Example JSON representation of the customer object returned in the body of HTTP response:
  "$id": 1, 
  "@xdata.type": "XData.Default.Customer", 
  "Id": 3, 
  "Name": "Maria Anders", 
  "Title": "Sales Representative", 
  "Birthday": "1980-05-20", 
  "Country": null 
Use a HTTP POST to create new objects, HTTP DELETE to remove objects, HTTP PUT or HTTP PATCH to update objects. Example: Change the value of Title property of the customer resource:
PATCH /tms/xdata/Customer(1) HTTP/1.1  
Host: server:2001  
  "Title": "Marketing Manager"  
Easily perform queries on existing objects. Example of retrieving customers with country name equal to "USA", ordered by customer's name:
GET /tms/xdata/Customer?$filter=Country/Name eq 'USA'&$orderby=Name&$top=10 HTTP/1.1  
Host: server:2001  
v5.18 New : Validation attributes Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThanEqual, LessThan, MaxItemCount and MinItemCount. Improved : Music Library demo logging improved by listing fields being inserted. Fixed : Wrong RecordCount property when RecordCountMode is FetchAll and dataset is filtered. Fixed : TAureliusDataset.SetSourceCriteria leaking memory if a subcriteria is passed to the method. Ticket #23273 Fixed : Loading lazy blob fields in dataset causes object to be flagged as modified inside the manager. Ticket #21970
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