TMS WEB Core v2.6.0.0 Beta Retail for D12 Athens
Save valuable time and create rich user experiences with our framework for modern web applications.

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Save valuable time and create rich user experiences with our framework for modern web applications. All our tools are backed by a dedicated team of experienced developers. You can count on an excellent service, a lively community and our continuous innovations. TMS Software is your partner for modern WEB client applications, with a lot of free learning tools, how-to guides and a passionate community of developers & support! TMS Software Delphi Components RADical Web Modern SPA web application model Pure HTML5/CSS3/jаvascript based applications Standard component framework for common UI controls and access to browser features Debugging in Pascal code via the browser Backed by a solid, proven & actively developed Object Pascal to jаvascript compiler TMS Software Delphi Components Reuse skills and components Component based RAD development integrated in the Delphi IDE and the Visual Studio Code IDE A truly revolutionary & innovative TMS FNC component framework that is now also web enabled, allowing to create UI controls that can be used on VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB! Open to consume other existing jаvascript frameworks & libraries Open to use HTML/CSS for design Open to use other jQuery controls or even other jаvascript frameworks Offers Pascal class wrappers for jQuery controls from the jQWidgets library Easy interfacing to REST cloud services including to TMS XData for database RADical Web Modern SPA web application model Pure HTML5/CSS3/jаvascript based applications Standard component framework for common UI controls and access to browser features Debugging in Pascal code via the browser Backed by a solid & proven Delphi Pascal to jаvascript compiler that was years in development Take advantage of the Electron or Miletus framework for building cross platform desktop applications PWA support: Start building progressive web applications out of the box Reuse skills and components Component based RAD development integrated in the Delphi IDE A truly revolutionary & innovative TMS FNC component framework that is now also web enabled, allowing to create UI controls that can be used on VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB! Open to consume other existing jаvascript frameworks & libraries Open to use HTML/CSS for design Open to use other jQuery controls or even other jаvascript frameworks Offers Pascal class wrappers for jQuery controls from the jQWidgets library Easy interfacing to REST cloud services including to TMS XData for database Easy Deployment Application consists of HTML & jаvascript files only that can be easily deployed on any light or heavyweight webservers Use any existing load-balancing software and/or techniques for highest performance Small and convenient debug webserver is included for fast RAD development TMS Software Delphi Components Easy Deployment Application consists of HTML & jаvascript files only that can be easily deployed on any light or heavyweight webservers Use any existing load-balancing software and/or techniques for highest performance Small and convenient debug webserver is included for fast RAD development
Disse: Making the Delphi web developer life easier and more productive is our mission with TMS WEB Core. A new step in this mission is the new release v2.4 that brings several new features. Here is a quick summary for your convenience.
Delphi 12 compatible multiline string support With the newest Delphi 12 releases, the long anticipated multiline string support was added. This enables Delphi developers to include multiline text easily in Object Pascal source code. In particular in web applications where it is often desirable to include HTML, CSS or jаvascript code snippets in application code, the new support for multiline strings in a way compatible with how the Delphi compiler in Delphi 12 was extended is a welcome new feature. NFC Support The mobile browser on Android devices has the unique advantage of offering an API to read & write NFC tags. Now, with TMS WEB Core you can take advantage of NFC and write applications that can interact with these tags. Two demos apps have been added that show how you can read and wrire NFC tags with the new TWebNFC component are included. The Raspberry Pi OS is already for some time available in 32bit and 64bit variants, but from the recently released Raspberry Pi 5, it runs uniquely on 64bit. Reasons enough to extend the Miletus framework with support for Raspberry Pi 64bit. Now you can select this new target from your Delphi IDE and generate applications that you can run on Raspberry Pi with simple XCOPY deployment. More over, the Miletus interface to the operating system has also been extended with improved file system file enumeration. TStringListHelper with methods LoadFromJSONArray, LoadFromJSONArrayURL Via an extended TStringListHelper, now it is possible to load JSON arrays and JSON arrays accessible via an URL in a TStringList. This for sure makes it more simple to process JSON arrays returned from REST server endpoints. TWebEditAutoComplete got a new event OnLookupUpdate() Thanks to this new event in TWebEditAutoComplete, it is now possibly to dynamically return the data in the autocompletion dropdown list that TWebEditAutoComplete offers. This event is triggered every time the entered text changes, so you can dynamically adapt the lookup. More improvements & fixes Of course, TMS WEB Core v2.4 also brings you all latest smaller improvements and fixes in the TMS WEB Core framework.
Disse: v2.6.0.0 New : Web form designer New : Orientation added to TWebRatingPanel New : Method Clear added to TWebImageControl New : Support for WebP image types in projects New : Min / Max date setting added for TWebDateTimePicker New : BorderStyle added to TWebComboBox New : Take & Offset added to TWebStellarDataStoreClientDataSet New : StartP and OnError added to TWebCamera Improved : Extended TWebCSSClass.Display with cdFlex, cdGrid Improved : Allow to add a TJSONArray object to a TJSONArray element Improved : Reopening TWebStellarDataStoreClientDataSet after closing at runtime Fixed : Positioning issue in linked relative elements of absolute positioned controls Fixed : Issue with toggling TWebRichEditor text style attributes Fixed : Issue with connecting a TWebDBTableControl to an active dataset before it was rendered Fixed : Issue with opening & closing an empty dataset Fixed : Issue with ShowSeconds in TWebDateTimePicker in some cases
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