TMS iCL v4.2.0.2 Full Source for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo - Delphi 12 Athens
Create rich applications with various list components such as the collection & table view as well as smaller selector and picker components and choose for native iOS operating system performance.

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Create rich applications with various list components such as the collection & table view as well as smaller selector and picker components and choose for native iOS operating system performance. Components for system & device specific interactions Easily integrate your iCloud documents and choose native fingerprint to secure your application. Share files with other applications in a read-to-use user interface native to the iOS operating system. Native iOS web browser support to seamlessly integrate web content in your application Create PDF documents from scratch and view them with the native iOS PDF viewer Compatibility 100% native iOS components for Delphi FireMonkey applications for iPhone, iPad, iPod Full component list TTMSFMXNativeAppShortcuts Homescreen quick actions TTMSFMXNativeSpeechRecognition Transcribe spoken text or audio files TTMSFMXNativeSpeechCommandRecognition Detect specific spoken commands TTMSFMXNativeUIRichTextView Native UITextView with rich text editing capabilities TTMSFMXNativeUIRichTextViewToolBar Native UIView with rich text view edit actions TTMSFMXNativeUIFontPicker Native UIPopoverController with support iOS font families TTMSFMXNativeUIColorPicker Native UIPopoverController with default 16 colors TTMSFMXNativeUIButton Native iOS button TTMSFMXNativeUISearchBar Native iOS search entry edit control TTMSFMXNativeUISlider Native iOS slider control TTMSFMXNativeUISwitch Native iOS switch control TTMSFMXNativeUITableView Native iOS tableview with sections and items TTMSFMXNativeUIToolBar Native iOS toolbar TTMSFMXNativeUIPickerView Native iOS pickerview control TTMSFMXNativeUIDatePicker Native iOS date/time picker or countdown timer TTMSFMXNativeUITextView Native iOS memo control TTMSFMXNativeUILabel Native iOS label TTMSFMXNativeUIScrollView Native iOS scroll box TTMSFMXNativeUIProgressView Native iOS progress indicator TTMSFMXNativeUISegmentedControl Native iOS segment control TTMSFMXNativeUIStepper Native iOS stepper control TTMSFMXNativeUITextField Native iOS edit control TTMSFMXNativeMKMapView Native iOS map view TTMSFMXNativeFMXWrapper Wrapper component to display a separate form as a subview of other native iOS controls TTMSFMXNativeUIImageView Native iOS image view TTMSFMXNativeUIView Native iOS view TTMSFMXNativeUITabBarController Native iOS TabBarController TTMSFMXNativeUIImagePickerController Native iOS ImagePickerController TTMSFMXNativeMFMessageComposeViewController Native iOS Message compose viewcontroller TTMSFMXNativeMFMailComposeViewController Native iOS Mail compose viewcontroller TTMSFMXNativeUIActionSheet Native iOS actionsheet TTMSFMXNativeUINavigationController Native iOS navigationcontroller TTMSFMXNativeUIViewController Native iOS viewcontroller TTMSFMXNativeUIViewPopoverController Native iOS viewcontroller wit popover presentation TTMSFMXNativeUIViewSheetController Native iOS viewcontroller with sheet presentation TTMSFMXNativeUIPageViewController Native iOS pageviewcontroller TTMSFMXNativeUIPDFViewController Native iOS single PDF page drawing view TTMSFMXNativeUIPDFPageViewController Native iOS PDF viewer TTMSFMXNativeWKWebView Native iOS WebView TTMSFMXNativeSLComposeViewController Native iOS view to compose a post for supported social networking services TTMSFMXNativeUIActivityViewController Native iOS view controller TTMSFMXNativeUIActivityIndicatorView Native iOS waiting indicator view TTMSFMXNativeUICollectionView Native iOS collectionview with sections and header, footer and items per section TTMSFMXNativeMultipeerConnectivity Native iOS peer to peer connectivity component TTMSFMXNativeCLLocationManager Native iOS location and heading monitoring component TTMSFMXNativeCMMotionManager Native iOS monitoring component of gyroscope, magnetometer, accelerometer data changes and device motion updates TTMSFMXNativeCMAltimeter Native iOS component that monitors changes in relative altitude TTMSFMXNativeLocalAuthentication Native iOS component for authentication via Touch ID TTMSFMXNativeAVPlayerViewController Native iOS component to display the video content of an AVPlayer object TTMSFMXNativeCameraViewController Stand-alone component to access the camera TTMSFMXNativeBarCodeScanner Stand-alone component to scan various types of bar codes Frameworks Starting from TMS iCL version 1.2, you will encounter linker errors when deploying to the device. To fix these linker errors, you will need to add a set of Framework references that are essential to correctly build and link your application. How this is done is explained in the documentation in the 'Frameworks' section. If you already have added frameworks in an earlier version then you can refer to the table below. Framework Path ImageIO $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks MessageUI $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks MobileCoreServices $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks MapKit $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks Social $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks WebKit $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks MultipeerConnectivity $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks CoreMotion $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks LocalAuthentication (iOS 8 or later) $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks AVKit (iOS 8 or later) $(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks
v4.2.0.2 Fixed : Issue with TMS Smart Setup target platforms
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