IPWorks! WebSockets .NET Edition v16.0.6335
Create real-time web connected applications with support for WebSockets. Includes client, server, and proxy components for building and connecting to WebSockets (HTML5) based applications. IP*Works!

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Create real-time web connected applications with support for WebSockets. Includes client, server, and proxy components for building and connecting to WebSockets (HTML5) based applications. IP*Works! WS includes a set of powerful components for integrating WebSocket communications capabilities into Web, Desktop, and Mobile applications. The components are perfect for building Web connected applications that require real-time data including chat, multi-player games, live financial applications, and more! WebSocket Server and Proxy Powerful server and proxy components for integrating live Web communications. Eliminate Long-Polling in Web Apps Websockets enable the server to push data to connected clients in real-time eliminating the need for unreliable long-polling techniques. Outstanding Technical Support Backed by an expert team of support professionals. Unlimited free Email support or paid Premium Support options. Up to 256-Bit Strong Encryption Robust enterprise-class security with up to 256-bit strong encryption using SSL and Digital Certificates. Uniform & Extensible Design Very easy to use, with a uniform, intuitive, and extensible design. Common component interfaces across platforms & technologies. Other Features... Detailed documentation, hundreds of sample applications, fully-indexed help files, Royalty free licensing, and more.
Category Dot Net (.NET)
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