TMS Component Pack DX10.1
Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with well over 400 components in one money and time saving bundle for Delphi 7, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8...

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Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with well over 400 components in one money and time saving bundle for Delphi 7, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition & C++Builder 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin.

Feature-rich & powerful grid components

The grids feature flexible printing

Through properties you can have:
Page number, date, time, title in footer or header.
Different header & footer font.
Use cell font and color from display or different print font control.
Automatically splits columns over multiple pages if needed.
Print selected regions from the grid.
Set margins, print centered.
Use repeated fixedrows and fixedcolumns for multiple page output.
Automatic fit to page.
See before you print with preview.
Specify borders of each cell for printing.
Additional custom printing.
Wordwrapped, rich text, HTML formatted text printing.
HTML formatted print titles.

Feature-rich display capabilities

Set text alignment to Left, Justify, Right for each cell.
Each cell can have different font & background color.
Select from singleline, multiple line to automatic wordwrap.
Show URLs as real clickable URLs.
Draw ellipsis when text doesn't fit column.
Hidden columns.
Rich text cells
HTML formatted cells

Easy & fine navigation control

Automatically advance to next cell.
Single key insert and delete rows.
Automatic cells cut and paste.
Masked edits with autoadvance.
Immediate caret positioning on mouseclick.
Automatic sorting when column headers are clicked with several sort methods and customizations.
Cell search functions.
Cell editing disable capability.
Different hints for each cell.
Incremental key lookup.
Dynamic scroll hinting.
Easy & intelligent clipboard functions with auto fill and auto expand ranges & rich text aware.
Enhanced row and column moving with position indicators.
Automatic skip over fixed and read-only cells.

Feature-rich inplace editors and open for custom editors

Have your choice of edit controls:
Normal left or right aligned edit controls.
Masked edit controls with automatic cell advancement.
Checkboxes, comboboxes, cell data bound checkboxes.
Datetimepicker, timepicker, datetimepicker with up/down.
Edit control with ellipsis button.
Comboboxes and edit controls with auto-lookup and auto history.
Integer, float, time, date, spinedit control.
Button control.
Radio button control.
Use another custom editor.
Expand/contract node controls.
Rich text inplace editing.

Flexible & fast import/export capabilities

Save to file, load from file.
Save to CSV, append to CSV, load from CSV, insert from CSV.
Save to XLS, XLS sheets, load from XLS, XLS sheets. (native support, without the need to have Excel installed)
Save to rich text RTF files (native support, without the need to have Word installed)
Save to streams, load from streams.
Save to HTML with color, alignment and font markup.
Save to ASCII files, append to ASCII files, load from formatted ASCII files.
Save to XML files, load from XML files
Save to Word DOC files.
Save to PDF files.
Load from MDB tables.

Support for various graphics types in cells

Add images to your cells:
Control positioning of image on top, bottom, right, left ...
Add icons, bitmaps, imagelist items and data dependent images.
Rotated text.
Multi image cells.
TPicture, TFilePicture objects opening support for all kinds of graphic formats.
Progress bar.
Comment indicator.
Interfaced graphics to show any kind of custom graphics.


DB-aware version of TAdvStringGrid.
Can be connected to any dataset via a Datasource & Columns property where the DataField can be used to set the field for each column.
Allows DB-aware mini HTML formatting to combine multiple formatted datafields per cell.
Can display BLOB memo fields and picture fields.
Allows to export data to various file formats including CSV, HTML, RTF, XLS (native, without using Excel)


Multisheet version of TAdvStringGrid
The TAdvGridWorkbook is a component that facilitates working with multiple grids simultanously (through sheets) but keeps a centralized single access to the grids properties and events. With this centralized approach, it is sufficient to write one event handler that will be used for all sheets in the workbook or set one property shared by all sheets in the workbook.

TAdvGridFilterPanel, TAdvGridFilterDialog

Easy visual entry of filter conditions for the TMS grids
Panel version for use on existing forms or version in dialog style
Smart detection of column data type to enter filter values as text, numbers, checkbox, date, time
Highly customizable appearance and fully translatable UI

TAdvDBFilterPanel, TAdvDBFilterDialog

Easy visual entry of filter conditions for the datasets (TTable or TQuery type datasets)
Panel version for use on existing forms or version in dialog style
Uses dataset field types to control filter operation and value entry as text, numbers, boolean, date, time
Highly customizable appearance and fully translatable UI

TMS Component pack v8.3.4.0 : update Sep 23, 2016

Update : TAdvDateTimePicker v1.2.5.0
- New : MinTime, MaxTime properties added

Update : TAdvGridFilterPanel v1.0.4.0
- New : OnAppliedFilter event added
- New : OnRemovedFilter, OnRestoredFilter events added
- Improved : Loading filter from grid

Update : T(DB)Planner v3.4.1.1
- New : Planner.Items.SelectAll method added
- Improved : Handling of auto header sizing

Update : TAdvCardList v2.2.2.0
- New : Swipe capability added

Update : TAdvTreeView v1.1.0.6
- Improved: Handling keyboard ALT, SHIFT and CTRL keys without navigating to selecting item
- Fixed: Issue drag & drop interaction in combination with expand / collapse

Update : TAdvStringGrid v8.1.3.0
- Improved : DistinctValues function now returns distinct column values irrespective of hidden rows
- Improved : Shift-Enter key handling for moving to the previous cell
- Improved : AppendToCSV() can export to CSV also when no previous CSV exists
- Fixed : Issue with FilterDropDownCheck = true and filter strings with spaces
- Fixed : CellProperty property name for backwards compatibility
- Fixed : Issue with SearchFooter & nodes
- Fixed : Issue with zero width columns and floating footer display
- Fixed : Issue with Undo handling for checkboxes
- Fixed : Issue with combination of cell icon and cell balloon

Update : TAdvEdit v3.4.1.1
- Fixed : Issue with high DPI mode when Flat = true

Update : TPlannerCalendar v2.3.1.2
- Fixed : Issue with OnRangeSelect time of triggering

Update : TAdvToolBar v6.4.1.9
- Fixed : Rare issue with auto sizing docking toolbar and toolbar.FullSize = true
- Fixed : Issue with notes & toolbar invoked menu
- Fixed : Issue with toolbar button drawing in hot & down state when no glyph is specified
- Fixed : Issue with QAT height when not using the QAT on a TAdvToolBarForm

Update : TAdvSmoothMessageDialog v1.3.0.2
- Fixed : GDI+ button memory leak

Update : TAdvSmoothTouchKeyBoard v1.8.4.1
- Fixed : Memory leak with cached keys

Update : TAdvShapeButton v6.1.0.6
- Fixed : Issue with SDI handling

Update : TAdvRichEditor PDF IO v1.0.1.3
- Fixed : Issue with inline rendered images

Update : TWebUpdate v2.3.0.1
- Fixed : Issue with dealing with FTP downloads & caching

Update : TAdvTaskDialog v1.9.2.0
- New : FooterTextColor property added to control footer text color for non native dialogs

Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.4.0.2
- Fixed : Issue with scroll when click on partial displayed rows

Update : TMS Curvy Controls v1.2.1.0
- New : StyleElements property exposed

Update : TAdvSmoothCalendar v2.3.0.2
- Fixed : Issue with onselectMultiDate triggering more than once when selecting multiple dates

Update : TAdvOfficeHint v1.7.0.2
- Fixed : When control.ShowHint = false, Office hints are no longer shown

Update : TAdvAlertWindow v1.9.0.8
- Fixed : Issue with AutoSize on newer Delphi versions

Update : TParamListBox v1.3.3.9
- Fixed : Issue with VCL styles and popup list

Update : TAdvListBox v1.1.5.2
- Fixed : Issue with VCL styles

Update : TAdvFontComboBox v1.5.4.6
- Improved : ItemIndex handling when multiple identical values are in list
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