MitovLabs VCL Full Source for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
OpenWire Studio is a graphical development and execution environment that contains the powerful stream processing technology that we have been perfecting for over a decade.

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OpenWire Studio is a graphical development and execution environment that contains the powerful stream processing technology that we have been perfecting for over a decade. No other software compilers or IDEs are required. OpenWire Studio is designed to be extremely easy to use even by the most inexperienced users, while at the same time including very powerful and advanced features for the power users. Its intuitive environment enables even non-software developers to build and execute applications simply by making wiring diagrams: The "wires" are like those connecting a TV to a VCR, or speakers to a surround system; the OpenWire pins are analogous to the jacks where you plug the wires in; and the OpenWire components correspond to the entertainment components (TV, speakers, etc.). AnimationLab is a set of components which enables time-line based animation and events with almost zero lines of code! Use AnimationLab to perform animations and tie in time line events to trigger component states and properties. The mass effect component allows you to apply effects to the 3d Firemonkey components easily when working in conjunction with the timeline. VideoLab is a set of components for complex video processing with almost zero lines of code. With VideoLab you can do just about anything imaginable: synthesize, capture, process, and analyze; mix, listen, visualize and more. SignalLab is a set of components for very fast digital signal processing (DSP). The library allows very fast complex signal manipulations and visualization with zero lines of program code. AudioLab is a set of components for fast audio processing with almost zero lines of code. With AudioLab you can do just about anything imaginable: synthesize, capture, process, and analyze; mix, listen, visualize and more. Logic lab is a set of components which assist in decision making in the applicaiton. Make use of various components to perform logical operations in an application, from simple Xor logic to complex magnitude comparer calculations. VisionLab is a set of components for computer vision. VisionLab allows rapid development of fully featured motion detection applications for the security industry, scientific and other applications. PlotLab is a set of very fast data plotting / charting / graphing components. Add sophisticated interactive graphs, charts, plots, and waterfalls to your VB.NET, C#, Visual C++, Delphi and C++ Builder applications with minimal effort.
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