eWorld JSP Maker 1.1 Retail
JSPMaker is a powerful yet easy-to-use code generator that creates a full set of JSP (JavaServer Pages) quickly from MySQL or Oracle. Using the generated JSP, users can view, edit, search, add and del...

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JSPMaker is a powerful yet easy-to-use code generator that creates a full set of JSP (JavaServer Pages) quickly from MySQL or Oracle. Using the generated JSP, users can view, edit, search, add and delete records in the database easily on the Web. Generated codes are clean and easy-to-customize. With JSPMaker, JSP developers can build Web applications much faster than ever before. List of JSPMaker features: Quick Start Wizard to generate the JSP web site quickly Optional JSP list, add/copy, view, edit, delete and search pages for each table/query. All scripts linked up properly by URL. Customizable field display order. Highly customizable View and Edit Format for each field Client-side jаvascript validation for edit pages Optional search features (Basic/Advanced/Both) for each table/query. Optional Advanced Security to protect data from unauthorised access Customizable Look and Feel of the generated web site by: linking with your own CSS setting body and table properties selecting HTML templates Preview HTML table layout Customizable Template Support for codepage, charset, locale ID and session timeout. Optional default date formats. Support different SQL identifier quote character Caption and Default Value for each field (If database is MS Access, original values in the database will be used.) Saving and Restoring project from project file (JMP File) Synchronize project settings with changes in database. Creates virtual directory in IIS Master/Detail pages File upload to folder or database CSS Stylesheet Field Aggregation Dynamic Selection Lists
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