Winsoft Media Suite for FireMonkey v2.2 Full Source for Delphi/C++Builder XE4 - 12
Delphi and C++Builder digital media library for FireMonkey.

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Delphi and C++Builder digital media library for FireMonkey. Features Uses Microsoft Media Foundation API Supports Windows 32 and Windows 64 Available for Delphi/C++Builder XE4 - 12 Source code included in registered version Royalty free distribution in applications
Installation 1. unpack fmediasuite.zip file to some folder 2. copy all files from Delphi12 subfolder (when using Delphi 12) to Examples\Delphi\VideoCapture subfolder 3. open demo example Demo.dpr located in Examples\Delphi\VideoCapture subfolder and compile it
What's new Version 2.2 added IAttributes.ItemBlobSize property added ToString(const Key: TGUID) function added ToName(const GUID: TGUID) function added IMediaSourceEx interface added IActivate.ActivateTransform method added IActivate.TryActivateMediaSource method added IActivate.TryActivateTransform method added TMediaEngineNetworkState enumeration added TMediaEngineReadyState enumeration added TMediaEngineCreateFlag enumeration added TMediaEngineCreateFlags set added IMediaEngine.Shutdown method added IMediaEngine.TransferFrame method added IMediaEngine.VideoStreamTick method added IMediaEngine.NetworkState property added IMediaEngine.ReadyState property added TAudioEndpointRole enumeration added TAudioStreamCategory enumeration added TMediaEngineStatistics record added IMediaEngineEx.ApplyStreamSelections method added IMediaEngineEx.DisableSwapchainMode method added IMediaEngineEx.DisableTimeUpdateTimer method added IMediaEngineEx.EnableSwapchainMode method added IMediaEngineEx.EnableTimeUpdateTimer method added IMediaEngineEx.InsertAudioEffect method added IMediaEngineEx.InsertVideoEffect method added IMediaEngineEx.Open method added IMediaEngineEx.RemoveAllEfects method added IMediaEngineEx.SetCurrentTime method added IMediaEngineEx.AudioEndpointRole property added IMediaEngineEx.AudioStreamCategory property added IMediaEngineEx.ResourceCharacteristics property added IMediaEngineEx.Statistics property added IMediaEngineEx.StreamCount property added IMediaEngineEx.StreamSelection property added IMediaEngineEx.Swapchain property added IClockStateSink interface added TClockState enumeration added TClockCharacteristic enumeration added TClockCharacteristics set added IClock.GetCorrelatedTime method added IClock.Characteristics property added IClock.State property added IPresentationTimeSource interface added IPresentationClock.Add method added IPresentationClock.Remove method added IAsyncResult interface added IAsyncCallback interface added IMediaEventGenerator interface added GetRateControl function added GetRateSupport function added GetVideoDisplayControl function added GetVideoMixerBitmap function improved Enumerate demo example bug fixes and improvements
Category Delphi
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