PHPMaker 2017.0.5
PHPMaker is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of PHP scripts quickly from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and SQLite databases.

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PHPMaker is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of PHP scripts quickly from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and SQLite databases. Using PHPMaker you can instantly create web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the web. PHPMaker can also create summary reports, crosstabs reports and dashboards with jаvascript (HTML5) charts (column, bar, line, pie, area, doughnut, multi-series and stacked chart) to summarize and visualize your data. PHPMaker is designed for high flexibility and has numerous options for generating PHP applications that best suits your needs. The generated code is clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. The PHP scripts can be run on Windows servers or Linux servers. PHPMaker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike. Pages List View Add/Copy Edit Delete Update Search Master/Detail-Add/Edit/View Reports Summary Crosstab Dashboard Drilldown Charts Bar Column Line Area Doughnut and Pie Drilldown Mixed What's New in PHPMaker 2021 PHPMaker 2021 is another huge upgrade from previous version. It is loaded with a bunch of new features, including many frequently requested ones. PHPMaker is probably the most powerful and flexible product of its kind, and yet still easy-to-use as always. Routing PHPMaker 2021 generated applications now use Slim Framework. Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. Web servers should be configured to sends all appropriate requests to one "front-controller" PHP file, the index.php, in which the Slim app is instantiated. The Slim app contains routes that respond to specific HTTP requests. Each page in previous versons (e.g. /carsview.php?ID=1) is now a route (e.g. /carsview/1 or /cars/view/1). Each route invokes a callback and must return PSR-7 Response object. With Slim app you can use not only routing but also other advanced features such as middleware and dependency container. Enhanced Validation Validate all fields before submit Show invalid feedback below the fields Focus the first invalid field Work with server side validation Field Input Help Text (Custom Message) Set up in Edit Tag panel (support Multi-Language), or Set up by server event as CustomMsg property of field objects Enhanced Charts Up to 4 trend lines chartjs-plugin-annotation.js chartjs-plugin-datalabels Sharing Project with Other Users Support GitHub (with encryption of GitHub URL, username and password) Git Fetch/Pull/Push/Sync Auto fetch Show changes in status bar Commit changes with message Improved Custom Template Faster rendering of Custom Template Code Repository supports scripting for fast and complex Custom Template generation Improved Select Tag Replace HTML Select Element by Select2 Bootstrap 4 theme for Select2 Tagging with multiple selection New Advanced Settings Log SQL to file Log error to file Environment Generate production config file Compile container for production Add novalidate attribute to form Connection info of production server (JSON) MySQL driver - mysqli or pdo_mysql Sort option - Toggle or Tristate Invalid user name characters Invalid password characters Use Bootstrap switch for boolean fields API custom headers (for Apache/IIS) Git repo URL Git user name Git password Git auto fetch Git auto fetch period (seconds) Prompt for Git commit message New Server Events Route_Action - For adding user defined routes Api_Action - For adding user defined API actions Container_Build - For adding user defined services More Require PHP >= 7.2 PSR-12 coding standard Load classes by PSR-4 Replace ADOdb by DBAL and PDO (Remove support for MS Access) Logger for logging SQL and errors Error handler and error page Development/Production environment (for database connection info, SMTP and JWT settings) User Level Security supports multiple user levels for each user Save locale settings in project New URL connection script to simulate direct connection Handle SQLite INTEGER field with CHECKBOX Edit Tag as boolean field Fixed header table extension supports user permission setup page CAPTCHA extensions supports two CAPTCHAs (one in page, the other in modal dialog) Allow user defined string functions for selecting in View Tag Support accept and capture attributes for file upload fields Clear sorting in List pages by Shift-Clicking table column header Save state of AdminLTE Sidebar Show version in project history Searchbox for table (Database pane) Searchbox for output files (Generate form) Allow unloading loaded table (for "Load tables dynamically") jаvascript compressor with ES6+ support Moment, jQuery File Upload, TimePicker, dompdf, CKEditor and tinyMCE updated Many other minor improvements
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