Devart LINQ Insight 3.5.909
LINQ Insight is a Visual Studio add-in that provides a complete set of tools that make LINQ/ORM development faster and easier, and helps you to produce more efficient data access code.

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LINQ Insight is a Visual Studio add-in that provides a complete set of tools that make LINQ/ORM development faster and easier, and helps you to produce more efficient data access code. It allows executing LINQ queries at design-time directly from Visual Studio without starting a debug session, allowing you to test queries instantly after you write them. LINQ Insight also provides a powerful ORM profiler tool for profiling the data access layer of your projects and tracking all the ORM calls and database queries from the ORM. LINQ Insight allows you to test LINQ queries at design-time. Unlike different LINQ debug visualizers, LINQ Insight does not require you to start debugging and step to the LINQ query execution for viewing returned data and generated SQL. Benefits Test your LINQ queries instantly after you write them Estimate the query complexity analyzing the generated SQL Check if the query returns correct data LINQ Insight offers you LINQ Profiler - a powerful tool that allows you to profile your projects and track all the ORM calls and database queries from the ORM. It enables you to see the performance of the data access code and easily determine performance bottlenecks. Benefits Get insight into all the interaction with ORM and database Measure performance of your data access code and analyze it easily Start profiling instantly without the need to modify your project Applications, using ORMs to access data usually don't interact with database directly. Instead they interact with ORM run-time - query entities via LINQ, work with them, and then post modified entities via SaveChanges (or SubmitChanges). ORM runtime, in its turn, interacts with the database - opens connections, queries and updates data via SQL, etc. Most profilers show just the interaction with the database - SQL statements execution, database connecting, etc. LINQ Insight offers true ORM profiler - it allows you to really profile the interaction between applications and ORM! With our LINQ Profiler tool you can see how much time LINQ statement or SubmitChanges call takes to execute as a whole even if it generated multiple SQL statements. You profile exactly the code you write and study the real performance of your LINQ code. Moreover, there is no need to modify your project at all! Just open the LINQ Profiler window and click the Start profiler session button on its toolbar. Then run your project and get real-time data on ORM events in the LINQ Profiler window.
Category Dot Net (.NET)
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