ASPMaker 2016.0.5
ASPMaker is a powerful ASP code generator that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database, SQL Server or any Data Source that supports ADO.

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ASPMaker is a powerful ASP code generator that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database, SQL Server or any Data Source that supports ADO. Using ASPMaker, you can instantly create Web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the Web. ASPMaker is designed for high flexibility, it offers numerous options for you to generate ASP applications that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. ASPMaker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike. Highlights Advanced Security User registration system Export to CSV/HTML/Excel/Word/XML/PDF File uploading to database or folder Master/Detail Customizable template Database re-synchronization Changelog: - Linked Tables from Multiple Databases - Custom Fields - Optional Tabular Form for Desktop Mode - Dropdown Selection Lists - Option Template for Dropdown Selection Lists - Improved AutoSuggest with Option Template, min-width and max-height settings. - Session Keep Alive and Session Timeout - Anonymous User Level - New Actions to Manage User Profile (for Administrators) - Password Generator and Password Strength Meter - Improved Multi-Page - Simplified Client Side Events and "fields" jQuery Plugin - Multi-Update of Field Settings - Import/Export of Theme Settings - Import/Export Feature of Multi-Language Property Editor - Dynamic Selection Lists in Master/Detail-Add/Edit - Cancel button with confirm dialog - Local Storage of Search Criteria - Cancel Button for Add/Edit/Delete/Update Pages - New Language Selection Buttons as button group with tooltip. - Language_Load and AuditTrail_Inserting server event - Option to encrypt file path - Multi-Language support for email template - Lookup always by ajax ("Use Ajax" setting removed) - Improved Custom Actions - DetailPages property for showing and hiding detail table tabs by server event - Password change by user (for md5 password) as password recovery - Custom Attributes as Array - Global array for passing server side values to client side - "addoption" and "newoption" client side event for lookup fields (supports both lookup fields with lookup table or user values) - jаvascript alerts replaced by Modal dialog - jQuery, JsRender, jQuery File Upload updated - tinyMCE and CKEditor extensions (for registered users only) updated with latest versions - Multi-Language support for reCAPTCHA, JsCalendar, tinyMCE and CKEditor - A new built-in "plain" theme - UTF-8 output files if project charset is utf-8 - Option to add indentation to XML nodes in the project file - Many other minor improvements
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