DISQLite3 5.14.0 for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
DISQLite3 implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland).

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http://uimg.in/images/2013/12/27/c1UZyh.gifDISQLite3 implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). Features include: ACID transactions, even after system crashes and power failures. Zero-configuration – no setup or administration needed. Implements most of SQL-92. A complete database is stored in a single disk file. Supports terabyte-sized databases and gigabyte-sized strings and blobs. Self-contained: no external dependencies, no DLLs. Small footprint and smart linking: Only required code is compiled in, adding as little as 300 KB code space only. Full Text Search (FTS) with customizable tokenizer, prefix matching, and optional word stemming for 15 languages. Database AES encryption with SHA256 key generator. Db.pas is not required, which allows DISQLite3 to compile with all flavours of Delphi, including Delphi Standard and Delphi Personal. Faster than popular database engines for most common operations. Simple, easy to use API. Database files created with DISQLite3 can also be accessed by Linux and MacOS using the SQLite3 libraries. DISQLite3 understands most of the SQL-92 language standard: ALTER TABLE ANALYZE ATTACH DATABASE BEGIN TRANSACTION Comments COMMIT TRANSACTION CREATE INDEX CREATE TABLE CREATE TRIGGER CREATE VIEW DELETE DETACH DATABASE DROP INDEX DISQLite3 Mathematical Expression Evaluator Demo Applicationdrop TABLE DROP TRIGGER DROP VIEW END TRANSACTION EXPLAIN Expressions INSERT ON CONFLICT clause PRAGMA REINDEX REPLACE ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SELECT UPDATE VACUUM Simple Programming Interface DISQLite3 Database Encryption Demo ApplicationDISQLite3 provides a comprehensive list of functions and procedures to manage database records with ease and efficiency. It includes the full SQLite3 functionality, plus a number of Delphi specific extras: AnsiString, UnicodeString / WideString, and Variant support. Database and Statement wrapper classes. TDataSet support. TStream support for BLOBs. Growing number of Delphi example projects.
DISQLite3 5.14.0 Added support for WITHOUT ROWID virtual tables. Improved the query planner so that the OR optimization can be used on virtual tables even if one or more of the disjuncts use the LIKE, GLOB, REGEXP, MATCH operators. Added the CSV virtual table for reading RFC 4180 formatted comma-separated value files. Added the carray() table-valued function extension. Enabled persistent loadable extensions using the new SQLITE_OK_LOAD_PERMANENTLY return code from the extension entry point. Added the SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED_SHARED option to sqlite3_db_status. Add the vfsstat loadable extension – a VFS shim that measures I/O together with an eponymous virtual table that provides access to the measurements. Improved algorithm for running queries with both an ORDER BY and a LIMIT where only the inner-most loop naturally generates rows in the correct order. The PRAGMA compile_options command now attempts to show the version number of the compiler that generated the library. Enhance PRAGMA table_info so that it provides information about eponymous virtual tables. Added the “win32-none” VFS, analogous to the “unix-none” VFS, that works like the default “win32” VFS except that it ignores all file locks. The query planner uses a full scan of a partial index instead of a full scan of the main table, in cases where that makes sense. Allow table-valued functions to appear on the right-hand side of an IN operator. Added two new interfaces: sqlite3_expanded_sql and sqlite3_trace_v2. Added the json_quote() SQL function to the json1 extension. Disable the authorizer callback while reparsing the schema. A performance enhancement to the page-cache “truncate” operation reduces COMMIT time by dozens of milliseconds on systems with a large page cache. Bug Fixes: Fix the ALTER TABLE command so that it does not corrupt descending indexes when adding a column to a legacy file format database. Fix a NULL-pointer dereference/crash that could occurs when a transitive WHERE clause references a non-existent collating sequence. Improved the cost estimation for an index scan which includes a WHERE clause that can be partially or fully evaluated using columns in the index and without having to do a table lookup. Fix the sqlite3_trace_v2 interface so that it is disabled if either the callback or the mask arguments are zero, in accordance with the documentation. Correct affinity computations for a SELECT on the RHS of an IN operator. The ORDER BY LIMIT optimization is not valid unless the inner-most IN operator loop is actually used by the query plan. Fix an internal code generator problem that was causing some DELETE operations to no-op.
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