ComponentAge Dialog Workshop.NET v3.38.2011.5
Dialog Workshop.NET allows you to access all standard Windows common dialogs with minimal effort. Dialog Workshop.NET also lets you extend Windows dialogs without writing any code. Dialog Workshop.NET...

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Dialog Workshop.NET allows you to access all standard Windows common dialogs with minimal effort. Dialog Workshop.NET also lets you extend Windows dialogs without writing any code. Dialog Workshop.NET includes many features which do not exist in the original .NET dialog components: - "dock" your own WinForm to the dialog; - custom dialog items captions; - customized dialog startup position; - design-time support and more. Dialog Workshop.NET - The .NET Framework contains components that present standard dialog boxes (such as File Open, Font, etc.), which you can use in your applications. But standard dialog components are very simple – it’s not possible to extend these dialogs by adding extra controls, provide custom message processing etc. Dialog Workshop.NET gives you the ability to extend standard common dialogs in many ways. About Dialog Workshop.NET Dialog components for your WinForms applications. Dialog Workshop.NET allows you to access all standard Windows common dialogs with minimal effort. Dialog Workshop.NET also lets you extend Windows dialogs without writing any code. Dialog Workshop.NET includes many features which do not exist in the original .NET dialog components: - "dock" your own WinForm to the dialog; - custom dialog items captions; - customized dialog startup position; - design-time support and more. Dialog Workshop.NET - The .NET Framework contains components that present standard dialog boxes (such as File Open, Font, etc.), which you can use in your applications. But standard dialog components are very simple – it’s not possible to extend these dialogs by adding extra controls, provide custom message processing etc. Dialog Workshop.NET gives you the ability to extend standard common dialogs in many ways. Dialog Workshop.NET Features Dock your WinForms to the left, right, top or bottom of the standard dialog's area - You can extend your dialogs and add new controls in a dialog window to provide more features for the standard dialogs. Custom dialog box icon and title - You can set the dialog box title using Title property even at run-time. Also you can set dialog's icon using CustDlgParams.Icon property. Customizable dialog box items captions - You can provide custom texts for all items in your dialog. Use DlgItemsCaptions property to specify custom strings. Customizable dialog startup position - You can specify custom startup position: screen center, a form's center, screen's X/Y values, etc. New events: Show, Hide, FileOk, Selectionchanged, etc - All dialog components have Show, Hide, AcceptDialog, CancelDialog events. Also all components have dialog-specific events. For example, FolderChanged, Selectionchanged, FileOk, etc. events for Open/Save File dialogs. Open/Save dialogs - Dialog Workshop.NET includes many features which make Open/Save dialogs really unique and powerful. You can extended file listview styles, disabled Delete/Rename commands, customizable PlacesBar, integrated MRU list, etc. Modeless dialogs and dialogs inside WinForm - Using the CaModelessDialog component, you can display Windows common dialog as modeless window or even insert it into another window (your own Windows Form)! Just set CaModelessDialog.Dialog property and call it's Show method. Design-time support - Dialog Designer and dialog preview are available at design-time in Visual Studio.
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