EasyMail Objects/SSL 6.5
The EasyMail SMTP Object is used for sending Internet email using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol. It supports all the latest emailenhancements: · MIME formats including Base64 and quoted printa...

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The EasyMail SMTP Object is used for sending Internet email using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol. It supports all the latest emailenhancements:

· MIME formats including Base64 and quoted printable
· HTML, RTF and Plain text formatted message bodies
· HTML import feature creates HTML messages from HTML files and automatically includes all images and other embedded items
· Alternative text support
· Ability to import message body from system files facilitates message creation from templates
· Ability to search and replace message body text facilitates mail merge and other dynamic message personalization
· Binary attachments: Base64, UUencoded and 7-bit
· SSL connections, plus StartTLS support. Requires separate purchase of optional SSL Plug-in.
· ESMTP (Extended SMTP) Authenticated logons with Auth-Login or CRAM-MD5
· ESMTP (Extended SMTP) Pipelining
· ESMTP (Extended SMTP) Delivery Status Notifications
· Multiple Recipients, carbon copies and blind carbon copies
· Ability to specify any character set such as US-ASCII, ISO8859-1, ISO-2022-JP, etc...
· Supports backup SMTP servers
· Ability to import message data from the POP3 or IMAP4 objects
· Interfaces with the dialog module to display a mail composition dialog box
· Progress notifications via callbacks or COM events
· Priority levels
· Ability to select the IP address to use for outbound messages.
· Return receipts
· Supports "Reply To"
· Custom message and attachment headers
· SMTP conversation logging
· Windows NT event log integration
· Message queuing

The EasyMail POP3 object is used for retrieving Internet email from a mail server running Post Office Protocol 3. Support is included for all the latest email enhancements including:
· MIME formats including Base64 and quoted printable
· File Attachments: Base64 and UUencoded
· APOP Authentication using RSA MD5
· SSL connections. Requires separate purchase of optional SSL Plug-in.
· Ability to determine the character set used to compose the message, such as US-ASCII, ISO8859-1, ISO-2022-JP, etc...
· Priority Levels
· Reads custom header information
· Received HTML messages can be exported to system files and displayed by any HTML viewer. Embedded items such as images, sounds and video clips are automatically included.
· Ability to export message information to the SMTP object
· Interfaces with the dialog module to display a dialog box for viewing a downloaded mail message
· Progress notifications via callbacks or COM events
· POP3 conversation logging
· Windows NT event log integration
· All properties and methods available through a collection object interface

The EasyMail SSL Plug-in object allows you to easily send and receive email with SSL encryption.
· Send and retrieve email messages over secure connections.
· Broad support for secure protocols: SSL2, SSL3, TLS1, PCT1
· Integrates easily with the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4 objects with only a few lines of code. This enables you to easily add SSL functionality to an existing non-SSL application, or to switch the SSL functionality on and off programmatically.
· Support for client and server certificates as well as certificate management and enumeration.

The EasyMail MessagePrinter object allows you to easily send an email message to a system printer.
· Add a customizable header to the first page
· Change the font and size of the message text
· Change page margins
· Print the current date and time on the bottom of each page
· Print page numbers on the bottom of each page
· Ability to preassign printers, dynamically select printers, or display the printer dialog and allow the user to select a printer at runtime.

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