SQLyog 12.3.2 Ultimate
SQLyog MySQL GUI is the most popular MySQL Manager and MySQL Admin Tool,combining the features of MySQL Query Browser, phpMyAdmin and various other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL Clients in a single intui...

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SQLyog MySQL GUI is the most popular MySQL Manager and MySQL Admin Tool,combining the features of MySQL Query Browser, phpMyAdmin and various other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL Clients in a single intuitive interface. Working with MySQL can sometimes be painful. SQLyog has the ability to take even the most difficult and time consuming tasks and make them a breeze.
SQLyog 12.3.2 (November 2016) Bug Fixes: --If an INIT_CONNECT setting in server configuration specified SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0 and global AUTOCOMMIT was 1 (or non-existent as in MySQL 4.1 and 5.0), the �transactions’ menu in SQLyog would incorrectly display AUTOCOMMIT as 1 after connection. --Same code change as above also fixes a crash that could occur with 4.1 servers. --Transactions support would fail to initialize with servers running global ANSI mode. SQLyog will not work in ANSI mode but connection and initialization should work, so that user as the first step may specify a supported session sql_mode (from the editor or from �advanced’ tab in connection settings). Miscellaneous: --Transactions will not work with HTTP-tunnel and any transactional command executed in an HTTP-session will now pop-up a warning that every statement runs in its own transaction.
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