Socket Messaging Code Generator 20240309
The Socket Messaging Code Generator program (abbreviated as SMCodeGenerator ) is a Pascal code generator linked to the Socket Messaging library to create modules allowing the server client to be easil...

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The Socket Messaging Code Generator program (abbreviated as SMCodeGenerator ) is a Pascal code generator linked to the Socket Messaging library to create modules allowing the server client to be easily implemented in any type of compatible Delphi project. The library is the heart of the tool: it supports the client, the server, the creation and elimination of processes and sockets, the dialogue between clients and server. It can be used "by hand" or encapsulated in code created on demand. SMCodeGenerator helps define the messages exchanged then takes care of creating the unit that will use the library by listing the classes corresponding to these messages and preparing a server class and a client class to use all of this. All we have to do is create the instances and attach to the reception events of the messages that interest us!
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