Devsense PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.20.9072
PHP Tools transparently integrate into Microsoft Visual Studio, and extend it with the support for PHP language. The extension is focused on developer productivity respecting conventions.

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PHP Tools transparently integrate into Microsoft Visual Studio, and extend it with the support for PHP language. The extension is focused on developer productivity respecting conventions. It understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation, syntax error checking, integrated PHP manual, project system, debugging support and more. PHP Tools for Visual Studio brings seamless analysis of source code within PHP projects. In addition to IntelliSense improvements, this feature gives you smart code validation which underlines unused variables, type mismatches, dead code and other suspicious constructs in your code.

Well-Known IDE
Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
Version control support (TFS, Git, SVN, ...)
Integration respecting conventions
Automatic updates & Easy installation
High performance environment

Smart PHP editor
Full PHP 7.0, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4 support
PHP IntelliSense, code completion
Function parameters assistant
Go to definition (F12)
Shows embedded documentation

Visual Debugging
Breakpoints in PHP and jР°vascript
Inspect variables, watches
Immediate Window
Multiple session debugging

Integrated PHP manual
PHP functions&constants&classes
Integrated documentation
Search available symbols while typing
PHPDoc support

Code Navigation
Browse declarations within your solution
Quickly search through available symbols
Navigate directly to symbol definitions
Navigate To, Class View, Object Browser, ...

HTML/JS/CSS support
Visual Studio HTML Editor
Syntax Highlighting, Schema validation
Formatting, Outlining, Commenting
Full IntelliSense
Web Essentials Support

Code Editor

Syntax coloring, Customizable Fonts&Colors read more
Smart Indentation
Document Format, Selection Format, Format on Paste, Format on closing brace and semicolon
Code collapsing, #region/#endregion collapsing
Brace Matching, Matching symbol highlighting
Smart brace completion (Visual Studio 2013 and later)
Comment/Uncomment code
Full Unicode support and line ending configuration
PHP 5.5 support
Peek to Definition
Custom additional file extensions, e.g .php5, .phpt
PHPDoc support, autogenerating on /**, smart indentation
Find/Search replacement within projects and solutions. Supports regular expressions and wildcards.


Integrated PHP manual, Go to Help (F1)
Complete help support using PHP manual and PHPDoc comments
Word Completion (Ctrl+Space)
Go To Definition (F12)
Function Assistance showing parameters, default values and description
Tool Tip Assistance showing summary on mouse hover
Dynamic context-aware IntelliSense for PHP
Autogenerated view for PHP manual functions, classes


Xdebug support, Multi-session debugging, Remote debugging
PHP, j@vascript and .NET debugging at once
Automatic installation of PHP from Web Platform Installer
Supports built-in PHP server, IIS Express and custom server
Breakpoints, Conditional breakpoints
Step Into, Step Over, Step Out
Quick Watch support, Add To Watch
Edit values at run-time
Watch, Autos, Locals, Immediate Window
Call Stack Window
Text View, HTML View, XML View of variables value

Team Collaboration

Support for built-in version control providers
PHP Projects version controlling
Team Foundation Server, Git, SVN, and more
Seamless integration with the project system
Source Control Explorer
Work Items
Check-in History

HTML Editor in PHP files

Support for HTML, jР°vascript and CSS in PHP files
Code colorization
Code collapsing
Formatting, Smart Indentation, Real-time code validation
HTML schema validation
Support for add-ins like Web Essentials
Design View, Split View, Code View

Code Snippets (Ctrl+K,S and Ctrl+K,X)

Commonly used code fragments as snippets
Integrated in IntelliSense (Tab)
Automatically formatted snippets
Snippets with editable spans
Context-aware editable spans completion
Custom code snippets


Publish PHP project to file system, FTP, FTPS, SFTP
Publish before run
Incremental publish
Quick publish of selected files and directories
Support for opening FTP Web Site and uploading files On Save

Composer integration

Viewing and managing installed composer packages in Solution Explorer
Browsing and installing new composer packages in the GUI
Composer output pane in the IDE
Composer in MsBuild process

Project System

Multiple projects withing solution
Run or Debug multiple projects at once
Configurable environment
Project referencing
Configurable project run options
standard MSBuild project system
Item templates, Project templates
NuGet packages support


Blade templating integration fixes and improvements.
Twig templating handles extensions from referenced projects.
More UI localizations.
Possible deadlock fix, hanging during project load.

IntelliSense respects "include_path" option in project properties.
Description of properties from @var tag.

Code Validation
Code validation warning for array to string conversion.
Code validation improvements for 'setlocale'.
Validation of using '$this' outside a valid context.
Validation of throw argument which must be Exception or Throwable.
Validation of type after implements keyword.
__tostring, __construct, __destruct return types check.

Editing long string values in debug.

Category Dot Net (.NET)
Rating 0 / 5
Comments 0
Sales 3
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