Linqer 4.6 for .NET 4.6
Linqer is a SQL to LINQ conversion tool. It helps learning LINQ and convert existing SQL statements. Not every SQL statement can be converted to LINQ, but Linqer covers many different types of SQL exp...

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Linqer is a SQL to LINQ conversion tool. It helps learning LINQ and convert existing SQL statements. Not every SQL statement can be converted to LINQ, but Linqer covers many different types of SQL expressions. Linqer supports both .NET languages - C# and Visual Basic. Because LINQ is a part of the C# and VB languages, it is sensitive to data type conversion. Linqer performs required type castings in the produced LINQ statements. It can convert the most usable SQL Server functions. The full list of supported MSSQL functions can be found here. You need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 ,Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 , or Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed on your computer to be able to use Linqer. Visual Studio needs to be installed, in order to use the SqlMetal tool to generate LINQ to SQL model files or the EdmGen tool to generate LINQ to Entities model files. Start Generate LINQ to SQL or LINQ to Entities modeling files such as .dbml or .edmx. Create a Linqer Connection, which consists of a database connection string, model type(LINQ to SQL or LINQ to Entities), programming language (C# or VB), and generated or existing modeling files. The Linqer Connection Pool allows the management of stored connections. The multiple tabs interface is designed to work with multiple Linqer connections at the same time. Continue Syntax highlighting in SQL and LINQ expression editors makes your code readable. SQL statements can be executed prior to conversion to make sure they are valid. Once a SQL statement is converted, the LINQ expression appears nicely formatted and ready to be copied into your Visual Studio project. Enjoy LINQ expressions can be compiled and executed. The query result is shown in the data grid. Check the SQL output, which is produced by LINQ expression, and compare it with the original SQL statement. A powerful feature of Linqer is class generation. Linqer automatically produces two class declarations, which can be used in your project. The first class consists of all fields returned by your LINQ expression. The second class is a list of the first class's elements. The content of this list is generated based on data from the original LINQ expression. Thus, Linqer turns a SQL query or LINQ expression result into the convenient list. Templates are a powerful feature of Linqer 4.5. Using a combination of the model tree view and templates, you can automate the code generation process for your Visual Studio projects. Whenever you use LINQ, you have to write many lines of code manually to handle repeated operations. Although Visual Studio Intellisense helps, you still have to type a lot. Using the LinqerTemplate library, you can teach Linqer how to produce special code for your project. Both Linqer 3.5 and Linqer 4.0 can automatically produce two class declarations. The first class consists of all fields returned by your LINQ expression. The second class is a list of the elements in your first class. The contents of this list are generated based on data from each original LINQ expression. Linqer 4.5 produces similar classes based on a built-in "General List" template. The code of this template can be modified using either C# or VB. You can create many other templates right in Linqer or in Visual Studio using LinqerTemplate.dll. Templates are processed by Linqer during the conversion process. As soon as conversion is complete, you can find the produced code under the Templates tab at the bottom of the screen. Model tree view can speed up template processing. For example, if you standardized CRUD operations for your MVC project, you know that each entity in your schema must have 4 methods of supporting CRUD operations. You can create 4 templates for each operation (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). Now, you can drag an entity from the model tree view and drop it into the LINQ window. This drag-and-drop operation converts the SELECT * FROM "yourtable" SQL statement to LINQ and processes your 4 CRUD templates at the same time. As a result, you receive code for the 4 methods for each selected entity. All you need to use is the “Copy to Clipboard” button; then, paste these templates one-by-one into your Visual Studio MVC controller. If you have a pattern in your MVC jаvascripts, you can also use templates to produce jаvascript code for each entity of your model. Thus, Linqer 4.5 is not just a SQL to LINQ converter, but a powerful tool for generating code for LINQ projects, which can saves days, weeks, and even months of development time.
Linqer 4.6 for .NET 4.6 Linqer 4.6 has the same features as Linqer 4.5.7. If you use .NET 4.6 Framework, you can install Linqer 4.6, otherwise get Linqer 4.5.7 .
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